
Nílson Kunioshi (国吉ニルソン) is a professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Waseda University (早稲田大学理工学術院). He came to Waseda as an associate professor in 2007, the year corresponding to the 100th aniversary of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. He belongs to the Center for English Language Education (CELESE, School of Creative Science and Engineering) and also to the Deparment of Materials Science in the Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering (基幹理工学研究科材料科学専攻). You will hopefully get an idea, from this website, about his research activities related to the analysis of the dynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions, and to the relationship between science education, language and culture.

This website has two main parts: “Chemical reactions” and “Education, language & culture”. Selecting one of these areas will show topics related to that area. There is another “General” area that is common to both: data about curriculum vitae and recent research funds.

Hope you enjoy the website. If you have comments/requests to make, please send an e-mail (in English, Japanese, Portuguese or Spanish) to nilson at (substitute the ” at ” by “@”).